Le Journal




How We Got Here







Year two, and we’re already expanding! Early in 2019 Folie welcomed our talented colleague, Catherine Evans affectionately known as Cate, as our Social Media Editor, a delightful and much-needed addition to our Folie team. In market season, Margaret and Cate headed to Provence, with Margo and Lance set to join us later in Paris to explore the flea markets (les Marchés aux Puces) in the suburb of Saint-Ouen. This year’s trip proved to be both joyful and poignant, from a heart-warming reunion with our Stéfanie from Saint-Rémy and her three boys, to the heart-wrenching views of the destruction of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, our experience ran the gamut. Cate and Margaret proved to be an able duo at identifying items our client demographic would love, and before we knew it, we had tagged more goodies than we had dreamed of buying! Ending our shopping spree in the South of France with another champagne toast at the close of the Montpellier fair, we boarded the TGV for a train ride to Paris to join the other Folies. Not surprisingly, in addition to Folie inventory purchases, we managed to find enough treats for ourselves to fill two more small suitcases. (Thank you, Monoprix stores in Paris for lightweight, inexpensive luggage!)